Thursday, 10 April 2014

Week 10

On Friday there were no children left in Room 1.
We had a Careers Day and we dressed up as what we want to be when we grow up.
There were a lot of emergency workers and medical staff. We would be well looked after if anything happened. We also had people who were going to look after and work with animals. There were several school teachers and even a school principal! There was a builder on call to fix broken things, a scientist to build robots, a hunter to make sure we wouldn't starve and a florist to make sure the classroom looked pretty.
After morning tea we got together with all the other New Entrants and had a parade in Room 3.
We had a great day dressed up as adults! 

Saturday, 5 April 2014

Weeks 7-9 Term 1

Buddy Class

Room 13 is our buddy class. We get to read with them on a Friday. They came over to our class with some exciting picture books to read us. We also read our reading books to them.

We are looking forward to getting to do things with our buddy class this year.

Alphabet Party

The New Entrants had an alphabet party to celebrate learning their alphabet sounds. We have been learning all the names of letters and the sounds they make. Knowing the letters and the sounds they make helps us with our reading and our writing. We made alphabet fairy bread, played alphabet and phonics games and did alphabet crafts.

These are some pictures of the fun things we did.


New Entrant Trip

We have been looking at people and places of significance in our community. For our topic we went to the Botanic Gardens and the Canterbury Museum. These are both places of importance in our community. We had a scavenger hunt to do when we went through the Botanic Gardens. Along the way we found the Peace Bell made out of coins and medals, the thorny rose garden and some New Zealand plants. The museum has a lot of history and information about Christchurch. It also has a fun Discovery room where we were able to explore and try new things.